Building a Career in Web3: A 2024 Guide

Jesiel Deshpande
8 min readApr 13, 2024

In 2024, you have an exciting opportunity to build a career in Web3. With blockchain technology expanding into new industries, companies need talent to implement decentralized applications and promote mainstream adoption. Though the space is complex, don’t be intimidated. This guide will walk you through the key skills needed, emerging roles, and how to position yourself for success. We’ll cover the landscape, essential technologies like cryptocurrency and NFTs, how to network, and tips to stand out. You’ll gain the knowledge to evaluate Web3 roles and chart a career path aligned with your interests and abilities. The demand for Web3 skills will only increase, so now is the perfect time to get started.

Understanding Web3 and Its Growing Importance

Web3 refers to a new iteration of the internet built on blockchain technology, which incorporates concepts such as decentralization, openness, and token-based economics. In 2024, Web3 is poised to transform numerous industries and provide exciting new career opportunities.

Decentralization and Openness

Web3 aims to distribute power and data across networks rather than centralizing it with major tech companies. Blockchains allow digital information to be recorded and shared across an open, decentralized network. This open infrastructure enables new levels of transparency, security, and control over data. Companies and developers building in Web3 value open-source code and open data, allowing anyone to build on shared infrastructure.

Token-Based Economics

Web3 also incorporates new token-based economic models. Cryptocurrencies and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) provide ways to represent and trade scarce digital goods. This enables new forms of ownership, investment, and exchange on the internet. Entire new markets are emerging around digital art, collectibles, gaming items, and more. Careers in Web3 span many roles, from NFT artists and collectors to market makers and fund managers.

A Growing Web3 Job Market

There is a growing demand for talent to build and shape Web3. Developers with skills in blockchain, smart contracts, and decentralized applications are in high demand. Designers, product managers, and community managers are also needed to help create engaging user experiences in Web3. As Web3 continues to expand into mainstream use, jobs in education, marketing, and other areas will also emerge.

Building a career in this fast-growing space requires continuous learning about emerging Web3 technologies, tools, and platforms. With the right skills and mindset, there are many opportunities to help define the future of the open internet. By getting involved today, you can position yourself for an exciting and impactful career at the frontier of technology.

The Top Web3 Jobs and Skills in Demand for 2024

Blockchain Developers

Blockchain developers will continue to be highly sought after in 2024 as companies invest in decentralized technologies. To become a blockchain developer, you’ll need to be proficient in Solidity, web3.js, Truffle, and Ethereum. Strong skills in cryptography, distributed systems, and software engineering are also important. According to Glassdoor, the average salary for a blockchain developer in the US is over $150,000 per year.

Web3 Designers

As more platforms adopt web3, the demand for web3 designers will grow. These designers focus on crafting intuitive user experiences (UX) and user interfaces (UI) for decentralized apps (dApps), wallet providers, exchanges, and other web3 products. Skills in interaction design, visual design, and UX research are essential for this role. Web3 designers can expect to earn $75,000 to $150,000 per year or more, depending on experience.

To build a career in web3, continuous learning is key. The technologies in this space are evolving rapidly, so keeping your skills and knowledge up-to-date is critical. Some of the most in-demand web3 skills for 2024 and beyond include:

•Solidity: The main smart contract language for Ethereum. Used to program dApps and other web3 platforms.

•IPFS: A peer-to-peer hypermedia protocol for decentralizing the web.

•Layer 2 solutions: Technologies like Optimism and Arbitrum that help scale Ethereum.

•Zero-knowledge proofs: Cryptographic methods for proving knowledge without revealing private information. Used in privacy-focused web3 projects.

•Polkadot and Cosmos: Blockchain interoperability protocols connecting multiple specialized blockchains.

With the right skills and continuous dedication to learning, you can build a thriving career in the web3 space. The opportunities for growth and impact are enormous as we collectively work to build a more open, trustworthy, and user-friendly internet.

How to Get Started in Web3 Even With No Experience

To build a career in Web3, you do not necessarily need a technical background. Several paths are open to those just getting started. A good first step is learning the fundamentals of blockchain, decentralized networks, and cryptocurrencies. Take free online courses or read blogs and books on the topic. Familiarize yourself with the values and ethos of Web3.

Explore Different Roles

Web3 companies need professionals from various backgrounds, including writers, designers, project managers, and customer support specialists. Identify roles that match your current skills and interests. For example, if you have experience in marketing or PR, explore growth hacking roles where you could help new Web3 projects gain visibility and users. Or if you are analytical, consider data analysis jobs.

Build Your Network

Get involved in the Web3 community by following influential people on Twitter, joining Discord servers and Telegram groups, and attending local meetups. Start conversations, ask questions, and look for opportunities to collaborate. Your network can lead to new jobs, mentorship, and partnerships. Some of the largest Web3 conferences include ETHDenver, World Crypto Con, and DeFi Summit. Attending these events is a chance to strengthen relationships and stay on the cutting edge of new developments.

Develop Relevant Skills

While technical skills are not always required, continuously learning will make you a strong candidate for jobs in this fast-changing field. For example, gain proficiency with Web3 tools like MetaMask, OpenSea, and Uniswap. Brush up on Solidity or other smart contract languages. Stay up-to-date with the latest Web3 trends through newsletters like Bankless and The Defiant. With time and persistence, you can build a thriving career in Web3 regardless of your background or experience. The opportunities are expanding rapidly, so start engaging with the community today.

Building Your Personal Brand and Network in Web3 Communities

Establish Yourself as a Thought Leader

To build your personal brand in Web3, start by establishing yourself as an expert in a particular Web3 topic or niche. You can do this by regularly posting educational content on platforms like your personal blog, Medium, or Web3-focused newsletters. Share insights, analysis and opinions on new tools, protocols, or trends. Over time, as you build an audience and credibility, you’ll be seen as a thought leader.

Build Your Online Presence

Create social media profiles on Web3 platforms like Twitter and Telegram to connect with others in the space. Post links to your content, share knowledge, and engage with influencers. You should also build a simple website to act as a central hub for your content and social profiles. Having an established online presence will make you more discoverable and help to strengthen your personal brand.

Network Online and Offline

Networking is key to building connections and opportunities in Web3. Follow industry leaders on social media, join Web3 communities, and engage in discussions. Look for Web3 events in your area or online to connect with others in person. Don’t be afraid to reach out for informational interviews to learn from those already established in the space.

Collaborate With Others

Look for opportunities to collaborate with other personal brands and thought leaders in Web3. You might co-author a blog post, participate in a podcast together, or cross-promote each other’s content. Collaborating is a great way to expand your reach and be exposed to new audiences. It also allows you to build mutually beneficial relationships with others in the Web3 space.

Building a personal brand and strong network in Web3 will take time and consistency. But by establishing yourself as a thought leader, building your online presence, networking actively, and collaborating with others, you’ll gain credibility and connections to help advance your career in this fast-growing industry.

Additional Tips for Launching Your Web3 Career in 2024

Build Your Network

Networking will be key to finding new opportunities in the Web3 space. Connect with others already working in decentralized tech, blockchain, and crypto. Join relevant communities on Discord, Telegram, and other platforms. Don’t be afraid to reach out to people currently in roles you aspire to. Express your interest in learning more about their work and company. These connections may lead to mentorship, job referrals, or new clients.

Stay Up-to-Date with Trends

The Web3 industry is evolving rapidly. Make it a habit to follow industry leaders and news sources to stay on top of the latest technological innovations, platforms, and services. Pay attention to trends that may create new career opportunities, such as the rise of DAOs, growth of NFTs, or mainstream adoption of DeFi. Continuously improving your knowledge will make you a strong candidate for exciting new jobs.

Consider Freelancing to Gain Experience

If you’re having trouble landing a full-time role in Web3 immediately, consider freelancing as a way to gain valuable experience. Offer your skills to blockchain startups, DAOs, and crypto companies on a contract basis. Some potential freelance jobs include community manager, writer, smart contract auditor, and UX/UI designer. Build up your portfolio of clients and reviews, then leverage that experience when applying for permanent positions.

Be Flexible and Adaptable

The decentralized web is an emerging space, and the key technologies, companies, and roles may look very different in 2024 versus today. The skills and experience that will be most in demand are hard to predict. Given this uncertainty, aim to be as flexible and adaptable as possible in your career. Pursue opportunities that expose you to a variety of Web3 domains. Learn skills that would be useful across different companies and roles. An open and curious mindset will help future-proof your career in this fast-changing industry.

With the right mindset and strategically building connections and experience in the Web3 space, you can position yourself for an exciting new career in decentralized technology. The possibilities for creating value and innovating in the open metaverse are endless. Best of luck!


You now have the foundational knowledge to start building your Web3 career in 2024. With cryptocurrencies going mainstream and blockchain technology advancing rapidly, the opportunities are vast. Begin networking, sharpen your coding abilities, and stay on top of emerging trends. The decentralized future awaits those willing to take the plunge. You can be on the cutting edge if you start positioning yourself this year. Be proactive in seeking projects and roles aligned with your skills and passions. The next generation of the internet is coming, and you have what it takes to be a leader in this space. Approach this new frontier with patience, perseverance and an eagerness to learn. Your Web3 journey starts today.



Jesiel Deshpande

Been working remotely since 2020, with valuable experience in the world of virtual workspaces. My background is in BD and content writing, with a focus on Web3.